Entity Management System

Entity Management System enables the creation and deletion of Customers and Vendors.

Please note: Entities of type, Employee, can be created directly by Administrator.


Entity Accounting System

Entity Accounting System enables setting up the Home Currency to be one among 24 international currencies, including US Dollar (USD), Singapore Dollar (SGD), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Indian Rupee (INR), etc. It enables crediting / debiting of any entity's account. It provides several utilities, e.g., intimating dues by email, etc.

Entity Accounting System enables acceptance of online payment from Customers
1. Without your having to integrate with a payment gateway
2. With automated crediting of the corresponding customers' accounts
This facility is currently available only when Home Currency is INR, for which we levy a flat 5% service charge and settle on a monthly basis within the first week of each month.

Product Management System

Product Management System enables definition of the products and services offered for sale online to customers. It also enables setting up of their prices.


Buy Products

Customers can buy your products and services online.


Notice Board

This is an Electronic Notice Board. Your Administrator can post notifications visible to your Customers.



This is a dialog between a Customer and your Administrator, initiated by the customer. The dialog can be terminated by the Administrator, once the client's issue is resolved.


Relationship Management (CRM)

This is a dialog between a Customer and your Administrator, initiated by the Administrator. The dialog can be terminated by the Administrator, once the Administrator's issue is resolved.


Filing Cabinets

Your Administrator can create an unlimited number of named Electronic Filing Cabinets, in which he / she can store an unlimited number of documents. This enables operating with a paperless office, and makes it possible to administer your organization from anywhere and from out-of-home.


Info Pages

Your Administrator can create one or more editable Info Pages pertaining to your organization, which are visible to the whole world. Consequently, you can choose not to have a separate website, or alternately, link your website to the Info Pages.



Email Marketing System

Email Marketing System enables creation of Mailing Lists. It also enables creation of attractive Messages. Thereafter, it enables sending Messages to Mailing Lists via email.


Financial Accounting System

Financial Accounting System enables creation of your Chart of Accounts, and thereafter posting Journal Entries. Any required reports, such as Balance Sheet, etc., can be generated using third-party tools, such as Microsoft Excel.


Inventory Management System

Inventory Management System enables definition of the products in inventory of your company / organization. It enables recording transactions pertaining to acquisition of products into inventory and withdrawal of products from inventory. It maintains inventory of products, both by quantity and value, using the WAC (Weighted Average Cost) method.