
Online Classroom

A faculty teaching a course can launch one or more Online Classrooms for that course, using his / her favourite web conferencing software (such as Zoom, Google Meet, GotoMeeting, Webex, etc). The corresponding Invite Links get automatically distributed only to students registered for that course. Accordingly, only students registered for that course can log in and enter these Online Classrooms.

An Online Classroom can contain links to one or more downloadable documents, such as course notes, diagrams or tables referred to by the faculty.


Virtual Classroom

A faculty teaching a course can launch one or more Virtual Classrooms for that course. Only students registered for that course can log in and access these Virtual Classrooms.

A Virtual Classroom typically contains links to one or more pre-recorded video lectures, and zero or more downloadable documents, such as course notes, diagrams or tables referred to in the video lectures, etc.


Subject Forum

A faculty teaching a course can launch one or more Subject Forums for that course. Only students registered for that course can log in and access these Subject Forums.

A student can access a Subject Forum, and

  • post a comment
  • post a question
  • post an answer to a question posted by a fellow-student

On the other hand, a faculty can access a Subject Forum, and

  • post a comment
  • post an answer to a question posted by a student
  • attach one or more documents, such as course notes, syllabus, etc.


Reach Out To Faculty

Using this process, a student can directly reach out to the faculty teaching a course being taken by himself / herself.

He / she can get answers to his / her questions directly from the faculty.


Multiple-choice Quiz Tests

A faculty teaching a course can launch one or more Multiple-choice Quiz Tests for that course. Only a student registered for that course can log in, answer the questions, and submit his / her answers.

As soon as a student submits his / her answers, he / she receives a report of his / her performance in the Test, as well as his / her total score. These serve as valuable feedback to the student.


Written Tests

A faculty teaching a course can launch one or more Written Tests for that course. The Test will comprise of a Question Paper in MS Word, pdf, jpg, etc., format. Only a student registered for that course can log in, download the Question paper, answer the questions, and submit his / her Answer Script, again in MS Word, pdf, jpg, etc. format.

Faculty will need to download the Answer Scripts submitted by students, evaluate them, and input the awarded marks, as well as comments on the students' answers, online. The comments serve as valuable feedback to the students.


Offline Tests

A faculty teaching a course might have conducted a conventional offline test, in which the Question Paper is on paper, and the Answer Scripts submitted by students are also on paper.

An Offline Test is used to bring on record such a conventional offline test , as well as tests that can only be conducted on-premise, such as laboratory tests .

For each question in the conventional test, faculty will need to input the awarded marks, as well as comments on the students' answers, into the corresponding Offline Test.




Time-limited Quiz Exam

This is identical to Multiple-choice Quiz Test, except that the faculty specifies the time within which a student must submit his / her answers, after beginning to answer the questions comprising the exam, by way of loading the exam. The student gets timed out, if he / she does not submit within the specified time.


Quiz Exam

This again is identical to Multiple-choice Quiz Test, except that the faculty specifies the time within which a student must submit his / her answers, after the faculty has launched the exam. The student gets timed out, if he / she does not submit within the specified time after launch of the exam..


Written Exam

This again is identical to Written Test, except that the faculty specifies the time within which a student must submit his / her answers, after the faculty has launched the exam. The student gets timed out, if he / she does not submit within the specified time after launch of the exam..


Offline Exams

A faculty teaching a course might have conducted a conventional offline exam, in which the Question Paper is on paper, and the Answer Scripts submitted by students are also on paper.

An Offline Exam is used to bring on record such a conventional offline exam, as well as exams that can only be conducted on-premise, such as laboratory exams.

For each question in the conventional offline exam that was conducted by the faculty, the faculty will need to input the awarded marks, as well as comments on the students' answers, into the corresponding Offline Exam.

