- Cloudcampus provides faculty a suite of eLearning tools, which
- facilitate conduct of quiz tests online
- facilitate conduct of written tests online
- facilitate online engagement between faculty and students
- drastically reduce unproductive face-to-face contact between faculty and students
- drastically reduce paperwork, such as course notes, question papers, students' answer scripts, etc.
- Cloudcampus is a decision-support system:-
- In case of a faculty teaching a course, Cloudcampus makes students' test / exam performance data available to the faculty at a glance online. This facilitates faculty rapidly make fair and correct pass / fail / grade decisions at the end of term.
- Cloudcampus makes students' performance data in all the courses taken by him / her available to the university / university department administration at a glance online. This facilitates the administration to rapidly make degree award / promotion decisions at scale.
- Cloudcampus frees faculty from administrative responsibilities, so they can focus on teaching, research, consulting, etc.
- Cloudcampus is implemented in the Google Cloud. It is offered in the SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) mode; hence there is no capital investment to be made.
User Guides
Click here to create your Cloudcampus database at zero cost
SaaS charges
₹ 100,000/- (approx. US$ 1,250/-) p.m.
₹ 10,00,000/- (approx. US$ 12,500/-) per annum
(Note: First 30 days free of cost)